NJTV is a Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) member network serving the U.S. state of New Jersey. It is owned by the New Jersey Public Broadcasting Authority (NJPBA), an agency of the New Jersey state government which owns the licenses to all but one of the PBS member stations licensed in the state, and operated by WNET.org, the latter being the parent company of New York City’s flagship public television stations, Newark-licensed WNET (channel 13) and Garden City, New York-licensed WLIW (channel 21). WNET.org runs NJTV through a subsidiary nonprofit organization, Public Media NJ. NJTV’s operations are based in Englewood, New Jersey.[1] Its anchor studio is located at Gateway Center in Newark.[2] Master control and some internal operations are based at WNET’s studios in the Worldwide Plaza complex in midtown Manhattan. NJTV airs PBS programming along with producing and broadcasting its own programs, mostly relating to issues in New Jersey.


September 28, 2018: NJTV News with Mary Alice Williams
